Fundamental principles regarding the work of lawyers.


The world's people recognize this in the Charter of the United Nations and their commitment to establishing circumstances that permit justice to be preserved. One of their goals is to establish global cooperation to promote respect for the rights of all people and their fundamental freedoms in a non-discriminatory manner regardless of gender, race, or religion.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a declaration of the principle of equal rights before the law, the presumption of innocence and the rights of a fair and transparent hearing before an impartial and independent court, and the other guarantees that are necessary to protect any person accused of an offense of criminal nature,
and it is stated in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that it is out of the rights to be heard without unreasonable delay and to a free and open trial in front of a qualified and impartial court constituted by the law.
And whereas, and whereas the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights mentions the responsibility of states, as outlined in the Charter of the United Nations, to ensure that everyone is respected for human rights and liberties
The Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons in any form of detention or imprisonment states that those who are detained have the right to seek legal aid from, communicate with, and be counseled by lawyers, but it is the Standard Minimum Rules for the Care of Prisoners
I would recommend that Confidential Legal help and access to lawyers be available for prisoners,
as well as the protections that ensure the security of people who are facing death sentences reiterate the rights of anyone who is suspected or charged with committing a crime that could result in death punishment to a fair and adequate legal aid in all instances. Procedural stages, as per Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
Whereas the Declaration of Fundamental Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power is a call for actions at both the international and local levels to enhance the odds that victims of crime have access to justice and fair treatment, as well as restoration of rights and compensation as well as assistance
To ensure the complete security of human rights and the fundamental liberties granted to everyone, regardless of social, economic, or civil demand, all people can access legal assistance provided by independent professional lawyer independent professional lawyers.
Legal associations play significant roles in ensuring ethical standards for the legal profession and in protecting members from being prosecuted, unfair limitations, and abuses by providing legal assistance to everyone who requires their service, as well as in collaborating with other institutions of Government and in advancing the purposes of justice and public good, the Government.
Within the context of national law and the practice of their country, be aware and adhere to the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, which are set in the following paragraphs, that were drafted to aid Member States in their task of promoting and protecting that lawyers are correctly positioned and should be made available to lawyers, as well as other people including judges and prosecutors, as well as officials of the executive and legislative bodies, as well as the general public in general. The principles are also applicable in the appropriate way to those who perform legal functions without possessing the legal status of lawyers.

The possibility of obtaining lawyers and legal aid

1. Everyone has the right to consult an attorney to defend and assert his righteousness and also to help the rights of every stage in legal proceedings.

2. The Government must ensure that appropriate procedures and effective mechanisms allow equal and efficient access to lawyers for everyone living within their borders and under their jurisdiction, without any discrimination based on color, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, Language, religion, political opinions, any other concept or idea, social or national or other origin, status or birth, financial or other status.

3. The Government shall guarantee the availability of sufficient funds and other resources required to offer legal assistance to those in need or other vulnerable people in the appropriate manner. Professional organizations of lawyers should collaborate in coordinating and providing the necessary facilities, services, and other facilities.

4. Professional associations and government agencies of lawyers offer programs to inform the general public about their rights and obligations as a legal person and lawyers' crucial role in defending their rights. Pay attention to helping the poor and other vulnerable people, allow them to exercise their rights, and, if needed, get the aid of legal counsel.

Particular safeguards for the area of criminal justice.

5. The Government must ensure that the appropriate authority immediately informs everyone about their rights to be assisted and represented by an attorney whom they prefer when being taken into custody, detained, imprisoned,d or convicted of an offense that is criminal.

6. People who don't have lawyers can get lawyers with expertise and expertise that is in line with the nature of the offense they're accused of to offer them practical legal advice in any situation when the interest of justice demands it, even without paying for the service even when it's not required. They can afford this.

7. They should also ensure that those being detained or arrested for charges of criminal or other nature can consult with an attorney as soon as they are arrested and, in all cases, not more than 48 hours after the time of their detention or arrest.

8. Anyone who is detained, arrested, or imprisoned persons must receive the right to times, locations, and places to have a lawyer visit the person, talk to them, and discuss their counsel without delay, interruption,n or surveillance and with absolute privacy. The consultations can take place in the presence of law enforcement personnel's supervision but not in their hearing.

Training and qualifications

9. Professional associations, government agencies, lawyers, as well as educational institutions must ensure that they provide adequate education and education to lawyers as well as their knowledge of ethical standards and obligations of lawyers as well as the fundamental rights of people and freedoms that are recognized in international and national law.

10. Professional associations, government agencies, lawyers, and institutions of higher education must ensure that no one wants to join the legal profession or continue to do so shall be discriminated against due to the color of their skin, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, religion, political opinion or any other and social or national heritage or birth and economic status or any other status if the requirement for lawyers to are citizens of the country of their choice is not considered discrimination.

11. In countries that have people, communities, or even regions that require legal assistance aren't being fulfilled, especially in specific communities with different traditions, cultures, languages, or groups that have suffered or are subject to discrimination, Government and professional organizations of lawyers and institutions of higher education are required to take the necessary steps to offer those who belong to these groups the chance to be admitted into the law profession. They should also ensure that the specific needs of their group train them.

Responsibilities and obligations

12. Lawyers are held to respect and respectability in their work as crucial professionals for the legal system under all conditions.

13. The legal obligations of lawyers towards their clients encompass the following:

(a) Giving assistance to clients on their rights and obligations under the law and the manner for the operation of the legal system and its connection to the rights and obligations of law of the clients.
(b) Helping clients with various ways to assist them as well as taking legal actions to safeguard their rights,
(c) Assistance to their clients in their appearance before different courts and administrative authorities according to the Requirements.

14. Lawyers, while guarding client rights as well as seeking justice, try to protect the rights of people and freedoms fundamentally, which are protected by international and national law. Under all conditions, the actions they take must be unbiased as well as vigilant, and by the law, accepted norms, and ethical standards of the profession.

15. Lawyers are always mindful of the needs of their clients in a professional manner with integrity and integrity.

Lawyers are guaranteed to fulfill their obligations.

16. The Government must ensure that lawyers

(a) Ability to fulfill all professional responsibilities without fear or harassment, as well as obstruction unintentional interference.
(b) the ability to talk and confer with their customers openly and transparently in and out of the country.
(c) not to expose them, or the risk of exposing them to legal action or penalties, Administrative or economic, because of their conforming to the obligations of the standards, ethics, and rules of the profession they are a part of.

17. The law enforcement authorities offer adequate security assurances to lawyers as lawyers are at risk while they perform their work.

18. Lawyers cannot accept responsibility for the actions of their clients or cases because of the way they perform their jobs.

19. Any administrative or court that recognizes the rights of counsel cannot deny the rights of any lawyer to appear in front of it for his client unless the lawyer has been deprived of his rights through the rules and methods of these standards.

20. Lawyers have immunity in both criminal and civil cases for assertions made with good faith, be it in written or oral pretrials or even when appearing before the courts or officials, whether executive or administrative.

21. The authorities in charge must make sure lawyers have access to relevant information, files, and other documents that they have in their possession or accessible for an adequate period so that they can provide the legal advice they need for their clients. The access should be made available in the shortest time.

22. The Government must guarantee and uphold confidentiality in any communications or consultations between attorneys and clients as part of their professional relationship.

Freedom of choice or fill in a form and be a part of associations.

23. Just like every other citizen, they have the right to express their opinions freely and form and join associations and holdetings. They also have the right to participate in debates in the public sphere regarding laws, the management of justice, and the protection of human rights. Additionally, they can be a part of local, national, or international organizations and participate in the meetings of these organizations without being subject to restrictions in the professional field because of their legal work or membership in a legal association. While exercising their rights, lawyers abide according to the profession's laws, established norms, and ethical principles.

Associations of lawyers that are professional

24. Lawyers are entitled to establish self-governing professional associations that are representative of their interests, support their continuing training and education, and protect their integrity in the profession. The members of their respective associations choose the executive boards of the associations and perform their duties without interference from outside.

25. Lawyers' professional associations must collaborate with the Government to make sure that everyone has equal and adequate access to legal assistance and that lawyers can counsel or assist their clients according to the law and by accepted standards of professional ethics and professionalism without interfering.

Disciplinary Action

26. through their respective bodies or laws, legal professionals will establish a code of conduct that conforms to laws, customs, and, turn, nationally accepted guidelines and norms.

27. Any complaints or charges brought against lawyers acting in a professional role must be investigated swiftly, fairly, and according to appropriate procedure. Lawyers have the right to hear their cases in a fair and impartial manner. This, and they have the right to seek an attorney they choose.

28. Lawyers' discipline procedures must be submitted to an impartial panel of disciplinary officers constituted by people who work in the profession of law or before an independent authority or tribunal. The disciplinary procedure shall be under judicial review by an independent judge.

29. As a result of these rules, the disciplinary process will be handled according to the Code of Professional Conduct and other ethical standards recognized and accepted by the profession of law.
