How do we choose a personal injury lawyer?


Physical injuries can occur due to various accidents, such as road accidentswork accidents"occupational diseases," medical malpractice, and other accidents that occur on the street, at work, or while performing military service.

Although these cases are called physical injuries, they also include psychological damage caused by the accident. Exposure to one of these accidents can negatively affect various areas of our lives for an extended period in many cases. The greater the damage, the more significant the financial compensation will be provided to help the injured person bear the costs of his various treatments and deal with his new situation.

If you have been involved in a specific accident and want to examine the possibility of filing a claim, you must first choose a lawyer specializing in this field.

Here are some essential points that will help you do this:

Is there a need to hire a lawyer?

First and foremost, is there enough cause to file a lawsuit? If you answered "no," hiring a lawyer is unnecessary. If the answer is "maybe," then you can proceed. You can also seek advice from a personal injury lawyer to determine whether there is sufficient cause to file a claim.

The circumstances in which the damage occurred also matter. However, sometimes, the event causing the injury is unclear. For example, to what extent does exposure to noise in the workplace cause hearing loss? To what extent is exposure to the sun in the workplace responsible for the occurrence of skin cancer? A lawyer can estimate the likelihood of success in cases such as these.

The need to hire a lawyer

In some instances, representation by a lawyer is required to appear before the court, for example, or before the National Insurance Institute or other institutions related to the point. Despite the presence of a large amount of information on the Internet, the company of a lawyer to represent us before these parties and to face the other party's lawyer makes it easier for us to deal with complex cases, especially since cases of this type combine two complex fields of law and medicine that are difficult for the average citizen. Understand it well enough to appear in court.

Lawyer's specialty

You must turn to a lawyer who specializes in this field, deals with cases of this type as an essential part of his profession, and whose subspecialties (if any) are appropriate to the type of your injury. Example: If the case deals with the issue of contracting a skin disease, for example, which may have occurred as a result of exposure to certain chemicals for a continuous period in the workplace, then a lawyer specialized in this field can easily link the legal aspect of occupational diseases with the medical part of skin diseases.

In addition to the lawyer's specialty, it is also essential to know whether this lawyer or law firm also represents insurance companies in addition to cases of physical injury to individuals within the scope of their legal services, which could lead to a conflict of interest.

Who will take care of the procedures?

Another important point: who will take care of the procedures? If you go to a lawyer who works on his account, this lawyer will handle all the case procedures. But if you go to a large firm, your case may be handled by a junior lawyer or even a trainee working in the company, even if the advisory session is with the person who heads the office.


Before choosing a lawyer/law firm to represent you, we advise you to first investigate information about them in sources such as the Internet and various networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and pay attention to the number of years of experience they have in the field, or if there are extreme recommendations or criticisms.


The case handling procedures may be delayed, forcing you to seek your lawyer's assistance repeatedly and increasing expenses. Choosing a professional and expert lawyer in his field will save you several unnecessary steps and help you obtain the most significant possible compensation (if you are entitled to financial compensation). You must agree clearly and document the payment details from the beginning: will payment be made according to the number of hours, or will a certain percentage of the compensation to be received be paid?

Although the Bar Association publishes the average legal expenses for lawyers, determining legal service prices is entirely up to the lawyer himself. Therefore, try to make a quick comparison between the different offices that you intend to use.

Honest representation

Honesty and reliability: A lawyer must act for his client's benefit, even if this reduces his income.

For example, a specific settlement agreement is proposed in some cases, which could shorten many costly procedures. The lawyer must mention this option even if it harms his income.

Comfortable communication between you and your lawyer

It is also essential that communication between you and your lawyer be comfortable and easy and that you choose a trustworthy person. This can be known during the first consultation session, which will help you decide and select the appropriate lawyer.
